TMCC’s South Campus is located in downtown Belcourt, North Dakota. South Campus was the original campus for TMCC when it first opened in 1972. The South Campus houses Arrowhead Printing, Vocation Rehabilitation, Regional Substance Abuse Project (RSAP), Adult and Continuing Education, as well as a G.E.D. testing center, customized training and cooperative education.
“TMCC 1972”
TMCC 2013
Community Resources
Adult & Continuing Education
The Adult Education program at Turtle Mountain Community College began in 1976. The need for the service came about because of the large number of adults who had experienced problems in school and had dropped out. While the dropout rate has improved, the population has increased so that the number of adults needing the services from this program remains constant. [More Information]
Arrowhead Printing, Inc.
Arrowhead Printing is an enterprise owned by the Turtle Mountain Community College. As a for-profit business, Arrowhead Printing serves the printing needs of the Turtle Mountain Community College and the surrounding communities. [More Information]
Regional Substance Abuse Prevention
The Turtle Mountain Community College Regional Substance Abuse Prevention (RSAP) Project is a collaborative project between TMCC and the State of North Dakota Department of Human Services/Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (NDDHS/MHSAS). [More Information]
Vocational Rehabilitation
The Vocational Rehabilitation Project provides an array of services designed to equalize employment opportunities for any individual who meets the eligibility criteria. [More Information]