Department Contact


Phone: 701.394-3993
Office: 207

Transfer to Other Colleges

A student who is planning to transfer should adhere to the following:

  1. The lower-division requirements at most four-year colleges and universities consist, in general, of two parts:
    a) the general education requirements which are required of all candidates for a degree regardless of the proposed major see the NDUS gold and silver pages, this book is available from your advisor or registrar;
    b) the major department requirements which are part of the student’s projected field of specialization.
  2. The four-year college or university, in the final analysis, determines the transferability of any course.
  3. General education courses, while not equivalent in all aspects, are similar in content. Therefore, all NDUS colleges, and other out of state colleges accept them to satisfy general education requirements. If a student is in doubt about the transfer of any course, he/she should ask for an evaluation by the Registrar at the institution to which he/she plans to transfer. Again, we urge each student to study the college catalog of choice to review requirements. A substantial number of catalogs of four-year colleges and universities are available in the Career Counselor’s office.

For more information, please refer to the TMCC catalogs, or visit the Registrar’s office.


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