Ace Charette


Director of Research, Assessment, and Accreditation

Phone: 701-394- 4261

Ext: 2069

Christian Peltier


Institutional Research Analyst

Phone: 701-394-4284

Ext. 1072





The Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Accreditation (IRAA) is set to measure the performance of Turtle Mountain Community College (TMCC) through the means of culturally responsive approaches. The information collected is used in decision making efforts including long-term and short-term strategic planning and policy development. Driven by the TMCC Mission Statement, the IRAA seeks to present information in accessible and valuable ways with the goal of improving student learning and living.


The IRAA gathers, analyzes and reports on a multitude of data, including tests, surveys and other data collection instruments. Information is captured at all levels of assessment comprised of pre-entry, course, program/degree and institutional. Administration of timelines for data collection varies per each level of assessment and type of measurement tool.
