Department Contact

Phone: 701.477.7879

Office: Room 111I

Project Summary

Turtle Mountain Community College (TMCC) is a tribally controlled post secondary institution accredited by the Commission on Higher Learning. The Turtle Mountain Community College’s Native American Career and Technical Education Project is designed to offer post-secondary career and technical education opportunities in Education Paraprofessional, Computer Support Specialist, Building Construction, Management, Health Information Management, and Entrepreneurship. Within the five year project period, education will be provided to 415 students residing on or near the Turtle Mountain tribal homelands in north-central North Dakota. Enrollment targets average 83 new students per year.

This career and technical education is directly responsive to and supportive of employment opportunities available to tribal members living on and near our Reservation, and is consistent with the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians’ economic plan. The curriculum and credentials of instructors have been reviewed and approved by the North Dakota State Board for Career & Technical Education.

Project Objectives

TMCC has established three goals to guide this program which will be demonstrated throughout this application and supporting documents. These goals were created in response to the needs of both the Tribal Economic Needs and local labor market. The goals for this project are:

  • To provide career & technical education to 415 individuals during the course of the project in five programs consistent with the tribal economic plan and identified needs of the local labor market;
  • To provide supportive assistance through educational, financial, and social guidance so that 80% of project participants can successfully complete their program;
  • To develop an employment outreach program capable of assisting participants in completing a career related work experience and assisting at least 80% of completers in securing appropriate jobs or advanced training placements.

Accreditation Status

Higher Learning Commission



Sheila Trottier
Project Director

Adjunct Faculty

Joan Azure
Health Information Technology

Sandy Thomas
Business Instructor


Marlin Allery
Computer Support Specialist Instructor

Barbara Houle
Entrepreneur Instructor
Placement Director

Ron Parisien
Building Construction Technology Instructor

